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Please take a moment to fill out our customer profile so we can create the perfect box for you.

Subscription #1

Breakfast Pastry Box

Customers will receive a curated pastry box based off dietary restrictions and likes.

You can choose to receive your pastry box once a month, twice a month or weekly.

The Breakfast Pastry box is available on Mondays

( Contents may contain but are not limited to,

Scones, Muffins, Bagels, Cinnamon Rolls, Poptarts, Donuts)

Subscription #2

"Grab Bag" Pastry Box

Customers will receive a curated pastry box based off dietary restrictions and likes.

You can choose to receive your pastry box once a month, twice a month or weekly.

The"Grab Bag" Pastry box is available on Fridays

( Contents may contain but are not limited to,

Brownies, Cupcakes, Cookies, Breads, Cakes, Pies)

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